HIIT Cycling: Why You Should Be Adding This Calorie Super Burner To Your Workout Routine


When it comes to burning calories, few things can compare to a good HIIT cycling workout. This type of cycling workout is a great way to incinerate calories and blast fat. In addition, HIIT cycling offers a variety of health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular fitness, increased metabolism, and strengthened bones. But if you’re not doing it right, you might not be getting the most out of your routine. In this article, we’ll talk about how to properly do HIIT stationary bike workouts and avoid common mistakes people make when cycling HIIT. So read on to learn more!

What Is HIIT Cycling?

HIIT cycling is a type of workout that alternates between periods of high-intensity effort and active recovery. The program can be adapted to any fitness level, and it can be done with a variety of equipment, including a spin bike, a home exercise bike, or even a regular bicycle. HIIT cycling is an effective way to improve cardiovascular fitness and burn calories in a short amount of time. A typical HIIT cycling workout might last for 30 minutes and include six to eight intervals of 20 seconds of maximum effort followed by 10 seconds of rest. This type of workout is challenging, but it can be very rewarding in terms of fitness gains and weight loss. If you’re looking for a way to mix up your routine and give your workout an extra boost, HIIT cycling may be the perfect solution.

Reasons Why You Should Be Adding Hiit Cycling To Your Workout Routine

1) Can Burn A Lot Of Calories In A Short Amount Of Time:

One of the best things about HIIT cycling is that it can help you burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. HIIT cycling is a great option if you are looking for a workout to help you lose weight or get in better shape. In fact, studies have shown that HIIT workouts can help you burn more calories than traditional cardio exercises like running or biking.

2) Increases Your Metabolism:

Another great reason to add HIIT cycling to your workout routine is that it increases your metabolism. When you do HIIT workouts, your body has to work harder to recover from the intense exercise. This process requires energy, which means your body will start to burn more calories even when you’re resting. As a result, you’ll see an increase in your overall metabolism, which can help you lose weight and keep it off.

3) Improves Your Cardiovascular Health:

In addition to burning calories and boosting your metabolism, HIIT cycling also has some great benefits for your cardiovascular health. HIIT workouts are intense and put a lot of strain on your heart. However, this type of exercise can actually help to strengthen your heart muscle and improve your overall cardiovascular health. So if you’re looking for a workout that will help you improve your heart health, HIIT cycling is a great option.

4) You Can Do It Anywhere:

Unlike some other types of exercise, you don’t need any special equipment or a gym membership to do HIIT cycling. All you need is a bike and some space to ride. You can even do HIIT cycling indoors on a stationary bike if you want. Most importantly, HIIT cycling is a great workout for people who are short on time because you can do it anywhere, and it doesn’t take long to complete.

5) It’s Suitable For All Fitness Levels:

One of the best things about HIIT cycling is that it’s suitable for all fitness levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, you can find a HIIT cycling workout that’s right for you. If you’re new to HIIT cycling, you can start with a shorter workout and gradually increase the length and intensity of your intervals as you get more fit. And if you’re an experienced cyclist, you can push yourself with longer intervals and higher intensity levels. Either way, HIIT cycling is a great workout for people of all fitness levels.

How To Do HIIT Stationary Bike Workouts?

Depending on your fitness level, you can start with a light jog and then increase your speed to a run. You should be working at about 80-85% of your maximum heart rate. Once you have reached your target heart rate, you will want to maintain that for 30 seconds to one minute. You can then slow your pace to a jog or walk for one to two minutes, allowing your heart rate to decrease. This is considered one interval. You will want to complete four to six intervals for a total HIIT workout time of 20-30 minutes. Remember to warm up before starting your HIIT workout and cool down afterward by stretching out your muscles. Stationary bike workouts are a great way to get your heart pumping and burn calories quickly. Adding HIIT can take your workout to the next level and see even better results. Here are some tips you should remember when doing HIIT on a stationary bike.

  • Make sure to warm up for at least five minutes before starting your intervals. This will help prevent injury and prepare your muscles for the workout. 
  • Make sure to use intervals that are appropriate for your fitness level. If you’re just starting out, begin with shorter intervals and gradually work your way up to longer ones.
  • Don’t forget to cool down after your workout. A gentle jog or walk will help your body recover and avoid feeling unnecessarily sore the next day. 

Don’t Let These Common Mistakes Ruin Your High-Intensity Intervals

1) Acute and Chronic Dehydration:

Dehydration is one of the people’s most common mistakes when doing high-intensity intervals. When you’re working out at a high intensity, your body needs more water than usual to stay hydrated. If you don’t drink enough water before, during, and after your workout, you can become dehydrated, leading to fatigue, cramping, and other problems. To avoid dehydration, make sure you drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after your workout. 

2) Not Warming Up Properly:

Another common mistake people make with high-intensity intervals is not warming up properly. A proper warm-up helps increase your heart rate and loosen up your muscles, so they’re ready for the workout. You’re more likely to experience muscle soreness and fatigue without a proper warm-up. To warm up properly, start with some light cardio exercises and then do some dynamic stretches. 

3) Overdoing It: 

It’s also important not to overdo it when doing high-intensity intervals. If you push yourself too hard, you can increase your risk of injuries. Plus, you probably won’t be able to sustain the intensity for very long if you go too hard at first. Start slowly and then gradually increase the intensity so your body can adjust. 

4) Not Cooling Down: 

Many people also make the mistake of not cooling down properly after their workout. A proper cool-down helps to gradually reduce your heart rate and prevent blood from pooling in your muscles. It also helps to reduce muscle soreness and improve flexibility. To cool down properly, start with some light cardio exercises and then do some static stretches. 

5) Not Recovery Between Intervals:

If you want to get the most out of your high-intensity interval training, it’s important to recover properly between intervals. This means taking a few minutes to catch your breath and allow your heart rate to return to its resting state. Recover between interval sets by walking or jogging slowly for a minute or two before starting the next set. 

6) Not Eating Enough:

Last but not least, another common mistake people make is not eating enough before and after their workout. If you don’t have enough fuel in your tank, your body won’t be able to perform at its best. Eating a well-balanced meal before your workout will help to ensure that you have the energy you need to push yourself, and eating a nutritious meal afterward will help your body to recover. 


Though it may be tough, incorporating HIIT cycling into your workout routine is worth it because of its super-calorie burner. In addition to burning more calories, HIIT cycling also helps improve your speed, endurance, and agility. A cyclist who used this type of training improved their 40k time by 4%. And as an added bonus, you don’t need a lot of equipment to do HIIT cycling – all you need is a bike! So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start pedaling!
