HIIT rowing workout


The best high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout is rowing. HIIT training programs appear to be springing up all over the place. Everyone is searching for the greatest HIIT routines in courses, with personal trainers, and on the Internet (and what that even means). Some focus on building muscle, others on cardiovascular fitness, and the best combine the two.

Each and every one of our programs at Total Row includes elements of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), with rowing serving as the foundation of this rigorous physical regimen. Curious as to why rowing is the best high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise? We’ve got you covered whether you want to do a set of only rowing or a mix of rowing and other workouts.

Why do you need this kind of exercise?

Here are the reasons why rowing is a great workout and the results you may expect to see.

Get in better aerobic shape. Tyrrell calls rowing a “strong aerobic workout” even if you only do it for 15 minutes. Adding rowing to your workout routine is a great way to boost your stamina and endurance, as well as your heart and vascular health.

Completely exercise your body. The English Institute of Sport found that using a rowing machine engaged 86% of the body’s muscle mass.

Condition your lower body better. Tyrrell claims that one of the greatest advantages of rowing exercises is that they specifically target the lower body, resulting in increased strength and endurance in those areas.

Avoid harm when you exercise. Tyrrell argues that the low-impact nature of rowing machines makes them a good option for anyone concerned with injury prevention. Rowing allows you to train at a high level without risking serious injury to your muscles or joints. Low-impact tools like rowing machines and bicycles are fantastic for the body, but higher-intensity tools like plyometrics and sprinting can be taxing on the body. When it comes to rowing, “you also have many variables to vary your exercises,” he says.

Enhance your stance by building a better posture. Ilustrisimo argues that rowing machines are an excellent way to work out one’s posterior chain because they require one to focus on their legs, core, and back. In order to achieve a healthy state of muscular balance, decrease the likelihood of injury, and aid in the correction of the poor posture that is so prevalent in today’s sedentary culture, it is crucial to work on strengthening the muscles of the back and posterior torso.

Tips for Staying Motivated During A HIIT Workout

Look for the Finish Line:High-intensity exercise can be shorter. We’ve cited WHO guidelines. They recommend 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week for healthy adults. Observe? High-intensity exercise meets the standards in half the time as moderate intensity. Your HIIT workout shouldn’t take longer than 20-30 minutes, and you shouldn’t perform more than two or three each week. You may expect the workout to be difficult, but short.

HIIT involves pushing hard when it’s time to push (i.e. Yellow or Red Zone) and recovering when it’s time to recover (i.e. Green, Blue, or Gray Zone). Focus your energies and envision the finish line to stay motivated.

Positive self-talk: Our self-talk, whether out loud or in our brains, can affect our motivation. Start a mental dialogue that boosts your attitude and confidence before a high-intensity workout. “I’m strong” Able. Ready.” Or, “I’ve got it.”I’ll own this workout!” Starting a positive self-dialogue can boost confidence and motivation, even if you’re not “feeling it”

Play the tunes: Create a playlist to motivate you throughout your workout. Rock out to some “power” songs.High-bpm music can boost exercise intensity and persistence. 130 bpm or above is ideal.Apps can clock your intervals and inform you when they begin and end.

Catch a Buddy: Nothing motivates you more than a sweaty workout partner. Pick a workout partner carefully. You want someone who won’t give up when you do and is consistent. Find a HIIT-loving friend to rub off on you. Good vibes spread!

Plan your HIIT workout and be well-hydrated. Timing your well can give you energy for your workout without making you overly full. We recommend a carbohydrate-protein snack an hour or two before HIIT. Bananas or apples with peanut butter, granola bar, and string cheese or yogurt are examples.

The Benefits of HIIT rowing workout

Rowing is fantastic since it has wide-ranging positive effects on people’s health. Rowing is a great total-body activity that can help you reach your weight-loss, cross-training, other-sport, competitive, or rehabilitation goals. Most major upper- and lower-body muscle groups benefit from the use of rowing machines because of the strength and conditioning they provide. To top it all off, rowing is a low-impact sport.

The Importance of Aerobic and Cardiovascular Exercise

Rowing on a machine can raise your heart rate and help you burn anywhere from 600 to 800 calories in an hour. Moderate-intensity exercise should be performed at least 150 minutes per week by individuals in good health, as suggested by the American College of Sports Medicine. To do this, you should engage in physical activity for 30–60 minutes on 5 days a week at a moderate intensity, or for 20–60 minutes at a robust intensity (3 days per week). Your heart rate can be kept comfortably within the moderate to the strenuous range when rowing. Handles on many indoor rowing machines are equipped with sensors that can track your heart rate. It’s also possible to utilize a heart rate monitor.

Conditioning for the Whole Body

The muscles in your upper and lower back, as well as your shoulders, get a great workout when you row. There’s also a lower body workout to be had from the moving seat. Calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, abs, obliques, pecs, biceps, triceps, deltoids, upper back, and lats are all used in every stroke. The act of gripping the rower handles forces you to develop strong wrists. Additionally, rowing has been linked to better posture by strengthening the back muscles. The rowing machine mimics a natural, low-impact motion. The user sits in a low, relaxed position, with only a small amount of effort required to keep themselves propped up on the machine. This is why many individuals prefer rowing machines to other forms of aerobic exercise like running.

 Rowing’s Flexibility

In contrast to running, rowing may be used for both high-intensity interval training and low-intensity steady-state workouts. The resistance can be changed from high-intensity interval training to low-intensity cardio. A home gym doesn’t have to be complicated to construct. The right fitness equipment can be found once you’ve thought through your finances, the size of your workout area, and your desired outcomes.


Rowing exercises are excellent since they allow you to work on every muscle group without risk. With high-intensity interval training (HIIT), you may maximize your calorie burn and strength gains in a short amount of time. Studies have shown that they can even slow down the aging process! The good news is that rowing is a terrific tool for anyone who wants to try out a higher-intensity approach to exercise, as it is safe and beneficial for people of various ages, sizes, and fitness levels.
